Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Verbal Section : Sentence Completions


Each GRE sample sentence compltion question below has one or two blanks. Each blank shows that something has been omitted. Under each GRE sample sentence completion question five words are given as choice. Choose the one correct word for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentences as a whole.

1. The - tones of the flute succeeded in - his tense nerves.
1. rhapsodic - minimising
2. blatant - enhancing
3. hovendous - calming
4. vibrant - portraying
5. mellifluous - soothing.

Ans : E
2. Without the psychiatrist’s promise of confidentiality, trust is - and the patient’s communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in thercopy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to - it.
1. lost - forget
2. implicit - extend
3. impaired - sacrifise
4. ambiguous - apply
5. assumed - examine.

Ans : C
3. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look -they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the - of natural beauty and human glory.
1. great - immutability
2. joyful - mortality
3. conventional - wildness
4. cheerful - transitoriness
5. colorful - abstractness.

Ans : D
4. Despite the - of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize ”pop culture” as a key for - the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society.
1. pedantry - reinstating
2. enthusiasm - symbolizing
3. skepticism - deciphering
4. antipathy - involving
5. discernment - evaluating.

Ans : C
5. If duty is the natural - of one’s the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
1. outgrowth - control over
2. arbiter - responsibility for
3. correlate - understanding of
4. determinant - involvement in
5. mitigant - preoccupation with .

Ans : A
6. Clearly refuting sceptics, researches have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what the theory - it should do.
1. supposed - asserted
2. voubted -warranted
3. assumed - deduced
4. demonstrated - predicted
5. estimated - accepted

Ans : D
7. The Neolatonists’ conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the - of creation.
1. variety
2. economy
3. profusion
4. clarity
5. precision.

Ans : B
8. It is a great - to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor’s genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with - effects.
1. Disappointment - superfluous
2. Convenience - exquisite
3. Advantage - deleterious
4. Accomplishment - profound
5. Misfortune - unpredictable.

Ans : C
9. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not - the manufacturer’s spokesperson argued that effective - were simply not available.
1. indeterminable - safeguards
2. unusual - alternatives
3. inconsequential - substitutes
4. proven - antidotes
5. increasing - procedures.

Ans : C
10. Human reaction to the realm of though is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that - sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of - facts.
1. emotional - impersonal
2. familiar : symbolic
3. disturbing - ordinary
4. material - remote
5. defenitive - controvoisial.

Ans : D
11. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on earth because of the possibility of - resulting from the carbon atom’s ability to form an unending series of different molecules.
1. variety
2. stability
3. deviations
4. invigorations
5. reproduction.

Ans : A
12. It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color and creed.
1. intolerant
2. democratic
3. emotional
4. patient
5. broadminded.

Ans : A
13. An occasional - remark spoiled the - that made the paper memorable.
1. colloquial
2. trite - cliches
3. urbane - sophisticated
4. hackneyed - originality
5. jovial - fun.

Ans : D
14. Broadway audiences have become inured to - and so - to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
1. cleverness : eager
2. condescension : disinclined
3. sentimentality : reluctant
4. mediocrity : desperate
5. histrionics : unlikely

Ans : D
15. Nineteenth - century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical - or a brilliant - blending Egyptian and Assyruin art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
1. conversion - annexation
2. apparition - amalgam
3. stratagem - appropriation
4. paradigm - construct
5. example - synthesis

Ans : B
16. The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society during the current decade is - critical.
1. archetypally
2. perennially
3. disturbingly
4. uniquely
5. cautiously

Ans : D
17. Even though in today’s Soviet union the - Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank - and - file clergy still. Have little - to practice their religion.
1. adversaries of - inclination
2. traditionalists among - incentive
3. practitioners among - opportunity
4. leaders of - latitude
5. dissidents within -obligation

Ans : D
18. Unlike the Shakespearean plays, The ”closet dramas” of the nineteenth century were meant to be - rather than -
1. seen - acted
2. read - acted
3. produced - acted
4. quiet - loud
5. sophisticated - urbane

Ans : B
19. The little - known but rapidly expanding use of computers in mapmaking is technologically similar to the more - uses in designing everything from bolts to satellites.
1. ingenuous
2. recent
3. secure
4. publicized
5. successful

Ans : D
20. Although his out numbered troops fought bravely, the general felt he had no choice but to - defeat and - a retreat.
1. oversee - reject
2. acknowledge - order
3. hasten - suggest
4. seek - try
5. overcome - request

Ans : B

Verbal Section : Sentence Completions


Each GRE sample sentence compltion question below has one or two blanks. Each blank shows that something has been omitted. Under each GRE sample sentence completion question five words are given as choice. Choose the one correct word for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentences as a whole.

1. No hero of ancient or modern times can surpass the Indian with his lofty contempt of death and the - with which he sustained the cruelest coffliction.
1. guide
2. assent
3. reverence
4. fortitude
5. concern

Ans : D
2. The hostess attempted to - a romantic atmosphere that would bring the two young people together in -
1. expand - fealty
2. present - collusion
3. simulate - conflict
4. introduce - cacophony
5. contrive - matrimony

Ans : E
3. Employers who retire people who are willing and able to continue working should realize that - age is not an effective - in determining whether an individual is capable of working.
1. intellectual - criterion
2. Chronological - criterion
3. Physical - barrier
4. deteriorating - value
5. chronological - factor

Ans : B
4. As the sun rose, the morning mists were borne away on the - like strands of -
1. whirlwind - flotsam
2. wind - cactus
3. morass - tundra
4. zephyr - gossamer
5. holocaust - taffeta

Ans : D
5. The playwright was known not for his original ideas that had been propounded by others.
1. rejection
2. consideration
3. invention
4. reiteration
5. plagiarism

Ans : E
6. The gypsy girl, decked out in - finery, and with her disheveled hair streaming over shoulders, was indeed a - sight.
1. verdant - wistful
2. sartorial - flagrant
3. specious - poignant
4. tawdry - bizarre
5. opulent - debonair

Ans : D
7. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so - Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in - in the western hemisphere.
1. disabled - quarantine
2. decimated - abeyance
3. terrorized - contention
4. ravaged - secret
5. coupled - quiescence

Ans : B
8. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was - by the perspective.
1. embellished
2. improved
3. jeopardised
4. aggrandized
5. diminished

Ans : E
9. We have in America - speech that is neither American, Oxford English, nor English but a - of all three.
1. motley - miracle
2. nasal - blend
3. feigned - patchwork
4. mangled - medley
5. hybrid - combination

Ans : E
10. Old beliefs die hard, even when jobs become - the long - standing fear that unemployment could return at a moments notice -
1. protected - subsided
2. vacant - perished
3. available - receded
4. plentiful - persisted
5. easier - charged

Ans : D
11. Not only the - are fooled by pcopagandas we can all be misled if we are not -
1. people - mature
2. ignorant - cynical
3. masses - cautious
4. uncultured - concerned
5. gullible - wary

Ans : E
12. – merciful by nature, he was - toward the murderer.
1. although - unmoving
2. while - unjust
3. truly - indicative
4. though - kind
5. albeit - implacable

Ans : E
13. When the news of his - with the enemy become known, he was hanged in -
1. collusion - effigy
2. conversation’s - earnest
3. involvement - martyrdom
4. complacency - retaliation
5. bickering - response

Ans : D
14. He was so - by the interplay of the colors that varied in brilliance and pattern as the music rose and fell, that he asked the price of the device.
1. overwrought
2. penalized
3. repelled
4. inteugued
5. penalized

Ans : D
15. The absence of a sense of outrage and grief at national tragedy is an - of moral responsibility.
1. intervention
2. energising
3. abdication
4. administration
5. actuation.

Ans : C
16. In an effort to - its operations, the corporation announced it was acquiring a - company in a different type of manufacturing.
1. diversify - subsidiary
2. adumberate - solvent
3. multiply - protracted
4. intensify - fluctuating
5. establish - sequential.

Ans : A
17. Samuel Clemens chose the - Mark Twain as a result of his knowledge of river boat piloting.
1. mountebank
2. protagonist
3. misanthrope
4. hallucination
5. pseudonym.

Ans : E
18. To meet all - a source of - electrical power was added to the train’s engine.
1. Integuments - parallel
2. possibilities - incidental
3. amenities - diverse
4. contingencies - auxiliary
5. conveniences - automatic.

Ans : D
19. Since the escaping vapors proved to be highly -, measures were at once taken for the - of the experiments.
1. Volatile - ratification
2. Observable - insulation
3. Gaseous - reduction
4. Noxious - cessation
5. Incriminating - destruction.

Ans : D
20. Eric Fromm does not agree that man is - in Freudian sexual dilemmas for if the - that man creates can be changed for the better, there is hope that the state of man can be changed as well.
1. Tortured - goals
2. Trapped - institutions
3. Caught - symbols
4. Engulfed - life
5. Confused - meanings.

Ans : B
21. As man reached the stars, a booming population threatened to destroy the - of life on his home planet and even its chances for -
1. Quality - survival
2. Basis - growth
3. Existence - upliftment
4. chances - improvement
5. meaning - understanding.

Ans : A
22. Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable - the possibility that increasing levels of atmosphere Co2 can cause long term warming effects
1. interest in
2. uncertainty about
3. experimentation on
4. enthusiasm for
5. worry about

Ans : B
23. Having no sense of moral obligation, shipler was as little subject to the - of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its - before he acted.
1. balm - eloquence
2. qualms - atonement
3. reproaches - prompting’s
4. rewards - chastisement
5. ridicule - allure

Ans : C
24. Slang is a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and -
1. goes to work
2. stays cool
3. embarrasses its user
4. communicates
5. puts its foot down

Ans : B
25. Famous among job seekers for its - , the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such - as low - interest home mortgages and company cars.
1. largesse - perquisites
2. altruism - credits
3. magnanimity - reparations
4. discernment - prerogatives
5. inventiveness - benefits

Ans : A
26. Moving and parked, the automobile devours urban land, leaving the buildings as mere - of habitable space in a sea of dangerous and ugly traffic
1. asylums
2. remnants
3. blocks
4. mountains
5. islands

Ans : E
27. In the current research program, new varieties of apple trees are evaluated under different agricultural - for tree size, bloom density, fruit size,- to various soils, and resistance to pests and disease.
1. conditions - adaptability
2. configurations - propensity
3. circumstances - proximity
4. auspices - susceptibility
5. regulations - conformity

Ans : A
28. For many young people during the roaring twenties, a disgust with the excesses of American culture - a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad.
1. reflected
2. stymied
3. conflicted with
4. overwhelmed
5. combined with

Ans : E

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