Saturday, October 4, 2008

denigrate - blacken belittle sully defame
denouement - an outcome or solution the unravelling of a plot
deplete - use until none remains
deposition - dethronement depositing
deprave - make morally bad corrupt
deprecate - protest against express disapproval of
dereliction - deserting and leaving to fall into ruins
derision - ridicule mockery deriding
derivative - unoriginal obtained from another source
derogatory - insulting tending to damage
descry - catch sight of see something in the distance
desiccant - substance used to absorb moisture
desuetude - cessation of use disuse
desultory - aimless haphazard digressing at random
deter - discourage hinder
detraction - slandering verbal attack aspersion
detumescence - diminishing or lessening of swelling
deviance - being different in moral standards (from normal)
dexterity - skill (esp. in handling)
diaphanous - transparent gauzy
diatribe - bitter and violent attack in words
diffidence - shyness
dilate - speak comprehensively become wider large
disallow - refuse to allow or accept as a correct
discern - see with an effort but clearly
discomfit - confuse embarrass
disconcert - upset the self-possession of
discountenance - refuse to approve of
discourse - speech lecture
discredit - refuse to believe
discreet - careful/prudent
discrete - individually distinct
disdain - look on with contempt
disencumber - free from encumbrance
dishevelled - untidy
disingenuous - sophisticated artful trying to deceive cunning
disinter - dig up from the earth
dislodge - move force from the place occupied
dismal - sad gloomy miserable
disparate - essentially different
disproof - proof to the contrary
dissemble - speak or behave so as to hide something (in mind)
disseminate - distribute (esp. ideas)
dissent - have a different opinion refuse to assent
dissolution - disintegration looseness in morals
distraught - distracted violently upset in mind
divergence - getting farther apart from a point
divestiture - taking off getting rid of giving up
divulge - make known something secret
doggerel - trivial poorly constructed verse
dolt - stupid fellow
dormant - in a state of inactivity but awaiting development
dote - show much fondness centre one’s attention
drawl - slow way of speaking
droll - jesting
drone - male bee person who isn’t self-employed
drowsiness - feeling sleepy half asleep
dubious - feeling doubt
dud - no use person something that fails
dulcet - melodious harmonious
dupe - cheat make a fool of
duplicity - deliberate deception
duress - threats to compel somebody
dwarf - person or somebody much below the usual size
earthenware - dishes made of baked clay
ebullience - exuberance outburst of feeling
ebullient - overflowing with enthusiasm showing excitement
ecumenical - representing the whole Christian world
edacious - voracious devouring
eddy - circular or spiral movement (e.g.. of wind)
edible - fit to be eaten/not poisonous
effete - infertile worn out weak
efficacy - production of a desired result
effrontery - boldness impudence arrogance
egress - way out exit
elaborate - worked out with much care in great detail
elegy - a lament a melancholy composition
elicit - draw out
eloquence - fluent speaking skilful use of language
emaciate - make thin and weak
embellish - make beautiful
embezzle - use in a wrong way for one’s own benefit
emote - stir up excite
empirical - relying on experiment
encapsulate - enclose in capsule
encomium - warm or glowing praise eulogy panegyric
encumbrance - burden things that get on the way of
endearing - making dear or liked
endemic - epidemic
endorse - write one’s name on the back of
enduring - lasting
enervate - weaken deprive of strength attenuate
engender - cause produce give rise to
engrave - impress deeply
engulf - swallow up
enigma - something that is puzzling
enmity - hatred being an enemy
ensign - flag/badge
entangle - put into difficulties
enthral - please greatly/enslave (fig)
entice - tempt or persuade
entreat - ask earnestly
enunciate - pronounce (words)/express a theory
enzyme - catalyst
epicurean - devoted to pleasure (sensuous enjoyment)
epistle - letter
epithet - adjective
equable - steady regular
equanimity - calmness of temperament
equilibrium - state of being balanced
equipoise - equal distribution of weight equilibrium
equivocal - having a double or doubtful meaning suspicious
equivocate - try to deceive by equivocal language
eradicate - get rid of pull up by the roots
erratic - irregular in behaviour or opinion
erudite - learned scholarly
eschew - avoid
esoteric - abstruse intended only for a small circle of
espouse - marry give one’s support to
eulogy - formal praise panegyric
euphoria - elation state of pleasant excitement
euthanasia - easy and painless death
evasive - tending to evade
evince - to show clearly to indicate
evoke - call up bring out
excoriation - severe criticism
exculpate - to clear from a charge of guilt
exhaustive - complete thorough
exigency - emergency an urgent situation
exoneration - set somebody clear free (e.g.. from blame)
exorbitant - much too high or great
expatiate - to roam wander freely
expedient - likely to be useful for a purpose
expiation - ending expiring
exploit - brilliant achievement develop use selfishly
expostulate - argue earnestly to dissuade correct or protest
expurgate - to remove obscenity purify censor
exscind - to cut out cut away
extant - still in existence
extempore - without previous thought or preparation
extinct - no longer active
extinguish - end the existence of/wipe or put out
extirpate - to destroy exterminate cut out exscind
extol - praise highly
extort - obtain by threats violence
extralegal - outside the law
extricable - that can be freed
extrovert - cheerful person
exuberance - state of growing vigorously being full of life

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