Saturday, October 4, 2008

libertine - immoral person
lien - legal claim until a debt on it is repaid
limn - paint portray
limp - lacking strength walking unevenly
lionize - treat as a famous person
lithe - bending twisting
lope - move along with long strides
loquacious - talkative garrulous
lucubrate - write in scholarly fashion
luculent - easily understood lucid clear
lugubrious - mournful excessively sad
lull - become quiet or less active
lumber - move in a clumsy/noisy way
luminary - star light-giving body
lurk - be out of view ready to attack
lustrous - being bright polished
macabre - gruesome suggesting death
macerate - make or become soft by soaking in water
machination - plot scheme (esp. evil)
maladroit - tactless clumsy
malapropism - misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)
malevolence - wishing to do evil
malign - injurious speak ill of somebody tell lie
malinger - to fake illness or injury in order to shirk a duty
malleable - yielding easily shaped mouldable adapting
manacle - chains for the hands or feet
massacre - cruel killing of a large number of people
matriculation - be admitted enter a university as a student
maudlin - sentimental in a silly or tearful way
maul - hurt by rough handling
maverick - rebel nonconformist
mellifluous - sweetly flowing
mendacity - dishonesty
mendicant - a beggar
mercurial - quick changeable in character fleeting
meretricious - attractive on the surface but of little value
mesmerize - hypnotize
meticulous - giving great attention to details
mettle - quality of endurance or courage
mettlesome - courageous high-spirited
middling - fairly good but not very good
minatory - menacing threatening
mince - pronounce or speak affectedly euphemize
misanthrope - person who hates mankind
mischievous - harmful causing mischief
miser - person who loves wealth and spends little
misogynist - one who hates women/females
moderation - quality of being limited not extreme
mollify - make calmer or quieter
molt - moult lose hair feathers before new growing
morbid - diseased unhealthy (e.g.. about ideas)
morose - ill-tempered unsocial
muffler - cloth worn round the neck/silencer
multifarious - varied motley greatly diversified
myriad - very great number
nadir - lowest weakest point
nascent - coming into existence emerging
nebulous - cloud-like hazy vague indistinct
negligent - taking too little care
neophyte - person who has been converted to a belief
nexus - a connection tie or link
nibble - show some inclination to accept (an offer)
noisome - offensive disgusting (smell)
nonchalant - not having interest
nonplussed - greatly surprised
nostrum - a quack remedy an untested cure
noxious - harmful
nugatory - trifling/worthless
obdurate - hardened and unrepenting stubborn inflexible
obfuscate - to darken make obscure muddle
oblivious - unaware having no memory
obsequious - too eager to obey or serve
obstreperous - noisy loud
obtain - to be established accepted or customary
obtrusive - projecting prominent undesirably noticeable
obtuse - blunt/stupid
obviate - to make unnecessary get rid of
occluded - blocked up
odious - repulsive hateful
odium - contempt dislike aversion
odor - smell favour reputation
officious - too eager or ready to help offer advice
ominous - threatening
onerous - needing effort burdensome
opaqueness - dullness/not allowing light to pass through
opprobrious - showing scorn or reproach
ossify - to turn to bone to settle rigidly into an idea
ostensible - seeming appearing as such professed
ostentation - display to obtain admiration or envy
ostracism - shut out from society refuse to meet talk
overhaul - examine thoroughly to learn about the condition

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