Saturday, October 4, 2008


self-control moderation
temperate - showing self-control
tenuous - insubstantial flimsy weak
tepid - lukewarm
terse - brief and to the point
testiness - witness/evidence
thrift - care economy thriving prosperous
thwart - obstruct/frustrate
timid - shy easily frightened
timorous - fearful timid afraid
toady - obsequious flatterer
tonic - something giving strength or energy
topple - be unsteady and overturn
torment - severe pain or suffering
torpid - sleeping sluggish lethargic dormant
torque - twisting force causing rotation
tortuous - devious/not straightforward
tractable - easily controlled or guided
transgress - break go beyond (a limit)
transient - temporary fleeting
transitory - brief
travesty - parody/imitation
trepidation - alarm excited state of mind
trickle - flow in drops
trifling - unimportant
trite - not new
truce - (agreement) stop of fighting for a time
truculence - aggressiveness ferocity
trudge - walk heavily
turbid - muddy having the sediment stirred up
turbulence - being uncontrolled violent
turgid - excessively ornate swollen or bloated
turmoil - trouble disturbance
turpitude - wickedness shamefulness
turquoise - greenish-blue precious stone
tyro - tiro beginner
ubiquitous - present everywhere
ulterior - situated beyond
umbrage - offence resentment
uncouth - rough awkward
underbid - make a lower bid then somebody else
undermine - weaken gradually at the base make something under
undulate - to move in wavelike fashion fluctuate
unearth - discover and bring to light
unencumbered - easy-going trifle
unfeigned - not pretended sincere
unscathed - unharmed unhurt
untoward - unfortunate inconvenient
upbraid - scold reproach
urbane - elegant refined in manners
vacillation - being uncertain hesitating
vagary - strange act or idea
vain - without use result conceited
valiant - brave
valorous - brave
vanquish - conquer
veer - change direction
venal - ready to do something dishonest
veneer - surface appearance covering the TRUE nature
veneration - regard with deep respect
veracity - truth
verdant - fresh and green
verisimilitude - appearing TRUE or real
veritable - real rightly named
verve - spirit vigour enthusiasm
vestige - trace or sign
vex - annoy distress trouble
igilant - member of a vigilance committee
vigorous - strong energetic
vilify - slander say evil things
vindictive - having a desire to revenge
virago - a loud domineering woman a scold or nag
visceral - of the internal organs of the body
viscous - sticky/semi-fluid
vitiate - lower the quality weaken the strength
vituperate - curse abuse in words
vivacious - lively high-spirited
volatile - changeable inconstant fickle unstable explosive
volubility - fluency verbosity easy use of spoken language
voluble - fluent
waffle - talk vaguely and without much result
waft - scent waving movement carry lightly through
wag - merry person
warmonger - person who stirs up war
warrant - authority written order guarantee
wean - to turn away (from a habit)
weigh - measure hoe heavy something is
welter - turmoil a bewildering jumble
wend - to go proceed
whimsical - full of odd and fanciful ideas
wince - show bodily or mental pain
woo - try to win
writ - written order
yarn - tale story fibres for knitting

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