Saturday, October 4, 2008

FROM F-H ferret - discover by searching search
fervid - showing earnest feeling
fervour - warmth of feelings earnestness
fetid - stinking
fetter - to shackle put in chains
feud - bitter quarrel over a long period of time
fidelity - loyalty accuracy
fidget - move restlessly make nervous
figurehead - carved image on the prow of a ship
finesse - delicate way of dealing with a situation
finical - too fussy about food clothing etc.
finicky - finical
fission - splitting or division (esp. of cells)
fixate - stare at
flak - criticism/anti-aircraft guns
flamboyant - brightly colored florid
flaunting - show off complacently
flax - pale yellow (hair) a plant
fledged - able to fly trained experienced
fleet - number of ships quick-moving
flinch - draw move back wince
flop - fail/move/fall clumsily
florid - very much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. of face)
fluke - lucky stroke
fluster - make nervous or confused
foible - defect of character (a person is wrongly proud)
foil - prevent from carrying out contrast
foment - put something warm (to lessen the pain)
foolproof - incapable of failure or error
foppish - like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes
forage - food for horses and cattle
forbear - refrain from be patient ancestor
forbearance - patience willingness to wait
ford - shallow place in a river (to cross)
forestall - prevent by taking action in advance pre-empt
forfeit - suffer the loss of something
forge - workshop for the shaping of metal to shape metal lead
forgery - counterfeit
forswear - renounce disallow repudiate
foster - nurture care for
fracas - noisy quarrel
fragile - easily injured broken or destroyed
fragrant - sweet-smelling
frantic - wildly excited with joy pain anxiety
frenetic - frantic frenzied
fret - worry irritation wear away
forward - intractable not willing to yield or comply stubborn
frugal - careful economical
fulmination - bitter protest
fulsome - disgusting offensive due to excessiveness
garble - make unfair selection from facts
garment - article of clothing
garner - to gather and save to store up
garrulity - talkativeness
garrulous - too talkative
gaucherie - socially awkward tactless behaviour
germane - relevant pertinent to
gist - the point general sense
glean - gather facts in small quantities
glib - ready and smooth but not sincere
glimmer - weak/unsteady light
gloat - over look at with selfish delight
glut - supply to much fill to excess
gnaw - waste away bite steadily
goad - something urging a person to action
gorge - eat greedily/narrow opening with a stream
gossamer - soft light delicate material
gouge - tool for cutting grooves in wood
grandiloquent - using pompous words
grave - serious requiring consideration
graze - touch or scrape lightly in passing
gregarious - living in societies liking the company
grievous - causing grief or pain serious dire grave
grovel - crawl humble oneself
guile - deceit cunning
gullible - easily gulled
gush - burst out suddenly/talk ardently
gust - outburst of feeling sudden rain wind fire etc.
hack - cut roughly hired horse
halcyon - calm and peaceful
hallow - to make holy consecrate
harangue - a long passionate speech
harbinger - something or somebody that foretells the coming of
harrow - to distress create stress or torment
haughty - arrogant conceited
heed - attention/give notice to
heinous - odious (of crime)
heresy - belief contrary to what is generally accepted
hermetic - sealed by fusion
heterogeneous - made up of different kinds
hew - make by hard work cut (by striking)
highbrow - (person) with superior tastes
hirsute - hairy shaggy
hoax - mischievous trick played on somebody for a joke
hoi - polloi the masses the rabble
hollow - not soled with hole
holster - leather case for a pistol
homiletics - act of preaching
hone - stone used for sharpening tools
hoodwink - trick mislead
hospitable - liking to give hospitality
hubris - arrogant pride
hush - make or become silent
husk - worthless outside part of anything
hypocrisy - falsely making oneself appear to be good

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