Saturday, October 4, 2008

from (i-k)
impecunious - having little or no money
impede - hinder get in the way of
impediment - something that hinders (e.g. stammer)
impending - imminent being about to happen expected
imperative - urgent essential
imperious - commanding haughty arrogant
impermeable - that cannot be permeated
imperturbable - calm not capable of being excited
impervious - not allowing to pass through (of materials)
imperviousness - haughty arrogant commanding
impiety - lack of reverence or dutifulness
implacable - incapable of being placated unpleasable
implicate - show that somebody has a share
implicit - implied though not plainly expressed
implosion - collapse bursting inward
importune - beg urgently solicit (of a prostitute)
imprecation - an invocation of evil a curse
impromptu - without preparation
impudent - rash indiscreet
impugned - challenged to be doubted
impute - to attribute to a cause or source ascribe
inadvertent - not paying proper attention
inane - silly senseless
inasmuch - since because
incense - make angry
incessant - often repeated continual
inchoate - not yet fully formed rudimentary elementary
incipient - beginning
incise - engrave make a cut in
incite - stir up rouse
inclined - directing the mind in a certain direction
incongruous - out of place not in harmony or agreement
incorrigibility - cannot be cured or corrected
incredulous - sceptical unwilling to believe
inculcate - fix firmly by repetition
incumbents - official duties
incursion - a raid a sudden attack
indefatigability - not easily exhaustible tirelessness
indelible - that cannot be rubbed out
indigence - poverty
indigenous - native
indistinct - not easily heard seen clearly marked
indolence - laziness
indomitable - not easily discouraged or subdued
indulge - gratify give way to satisfy allow oneself
indulgent - inclined to indulge
ineffable - to great to be described in words
ineluctable - certain inevitable
inept - unskilful said or done at the wrong time
ineptitude - quality of being unskilful
inferno - hell
infuriate - fill with fury or rage
infuse - put pour fill
ingenuous - naive young artless frank honest sincere
ingest - take in by swallowing
inimical - harmful or friendly
inimitable - defying imitation unmatchable
innocuous - causing no harm
inscrutable - incapable of being discovered or understood
insensible - unconscious unresponsive unaffected
insinuate - suggest unpleasantly make a way for something gently
insipid - without taste or flavour
insouciant - unconcerned carefree
insularity - narrow-mindedness isolated
insurrection - rising of people to open resistance to
interdict - prohibit forbid
interim - as an instalment
intersperse - place here and there
intransigent - uncompromising
intrepid - fearless brave undaunted
introspection - examining one’s own thoughts and feelings
inundate - flood cover by overflowing
inured - accustomed to adapted
invective - abusive language curses
inveigh - to attack verbally denounce deprecate
inveterate - deep-rooted. long-established
invincible - too strong to be defeated
involute - complex
irascible - irritable easily angered
irate - angry
ire - anger
irksome - tiresome
irresolute - hesitating undecided
irrevocable - final and unalterable
itinerate - to travel from place to place to peregrinate
jabber - talk excitedly utter rapidly
jibe - gibe make fun of
jocular - meant as a joke
judicious - sound in judgment wise
knit - draw together unite firmly

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