Saturday, October 4, 2008



Verbal analogies are a fundamental constituent of the GRE - Computer Adaptive Test. Verbal analogies, together with antonyms, are perceived as the most troublesome sub-sections of the GRE Verbal Reasoning section.

The exact duration of one’s preparation for GRE is largely reflected by one’s existing level of expertise in vocabulary. Hence, it becomes important to know what it takes to score high in the vocabulary-rich department of the GRE.

Experts from TCYonline have identified and suggested some strategies to approach the analogies in GRE. These techniques, if practiced extensively, can really help test-takers set up a good score in the first half of the verbal reasoning module of the test, which usually carries antonyms and analogies. Reading comprehension generally comes after 4-5 questions.

Here are the recommendations:

~ Making the bridge: The test takers must understand that in verbal analogies, the meaning of a word is definitely important, but only to a limited extent. What is more important is the relationship between them. The first step is to identify the relationship between the stem words (the two words in the Question Statement) and verbalise it by using both of them in a sentence.

~ Narrowing the bridge: Most times in GRE verbal, only the first step is not sufficient. The choices are close and relationship trickier; thus demanding a more in-depth and narrow statement using the stem words so that most of (if not all) the answer choices are eliminated. One has to narrow down the bridge unless all the options except one are eliminated.

~ Grammatical Structure: Occasionally, students may be guided simply by working out either the grammatical structure of the stem words (whether it is a noun, a verb, an adverb or an adjective) or its actual essence (whether it’s a positive word or a negative one). Thus, the answer choice that closely resembles the above pattern can be the right answer.

Strategies do not help much unless they are supplemented with exhaustive practice. Hence, in association with presents 15 practice questions on GRE verbal analogies. Try them to test your understanding of strategies given above. A link to the solutions and explanations to these 15 questions is given below.

1)Cavalcade : Ceremony
(A) Camel : Desert (B) Crowd : People (C) Ship : Nautical
(D) Caravan : Protection (E) Cascade : Plummet

2)Fry : Fish
(A) Cook : Barbecue (B) Gobble : Turkey (C) Steak : Lamb
(D) Roast : Fire (E) Nymph : Silverfish

3)Adult : Teenager
(A) Structure : Building (B) Foal : Horse (C) Writing : Draft
(D) Poem : Rhythm (E) Couple : Pair

4)Preen : Pride
(A) Wave : Water (B) Lament : Grief (C) Beauty : Vanity
(D) Nudge : Mock (E) Incubate : Nurture

5)Outmanoeuvre : Strategy
(A) Bait : Lion (B) Competition : Product (C) Media : Entertain
(D) Lure : Decoy (E) Entice : Tempt

6)Moratorium : Payment
(A) Fraud : Embezzlement (B) Reprieve : Punishment (C) Flush : Anger
(D) Imagination : Figment (E) Retort : Insolent

7)Teller : Cash
(A) Vendor : Sell (B) Vigour : Energy (C) Litter : Damage
(D) Shoe : Cards (E) Sole : Single

8)Alluvium : River
(A) Precipitate : Solution (B) Metal : Alloy (C) Medley : Song
(D) Bed : Ocean (E) Dyke : Dam

9)Lunge : Attack
(A) Plunge : Fall (B) Feint : Deceive (C) Comatose : Aware
(D) Jeer : Anger (E) Norm : Rule

10)Acronym : Brevity
(A) Gift : Wrap (B) Mnemonic : Memory (C) Key : Code
(D) Enzyme : Solution (E) Proverb : Trite

11)Apocryphal : Authenticity
(A) Structure : Height (B) Fallacious : Logic (C) Conscious : Aware
(D) Predator : Prey (E) Highway : Speed

12)Aphorism : Terse
(A) Draught : Game (B) Malign : Meagre (C) Holistic : Cycle
(D) Salubrious : pleasant (E) Eulogy : Praise

13)Potable : Drink
(A) Aerated : Gas (B) Serrated : Smooth (C) Glabrous : Hair
(D) Compatable : Taste (E) Comestible : Food

14)Minuscule : Script
(A)Chaff : Waste (B) Hieroglyph : Picture (C) Cipher : Digit
(D) Cryptic : Code (E) Drizzle : Light

15)Muster : Gather
(A) Divide : Unite (B) Echo : Sound (C) : Song : Music
(D) Collate : Order (E) Incongruous : Asymmetrical
Solutions and detailed explainations to the Verbal Analogies questions.
1. Characteristics. Though all the answer choices have a bridge; only (D) has the same bridge: (A) The chief characteristic of a Caravan is group movement (of people and camels) for Protection; just as a Cavalcade is a group movement (of horse-riders or vehicles) in a Ceremony or in Procession. Answer: (D)

2. Young Ones. Definition: Fry is a baby fish; and Nymph is a baby Silverfish. Answer: (E)

3. Chronological Sequence: The preceding stage of Adult is Teenager; similarly, the stage preceding Writing is that of preparing a draft. Answer: (C)

4. Action and Significance. Preen is an action that demonstrates Pride; Lament is an action that signifies Grief. Answer: (B)

5. Function and Purpose. The purpose of Strategy is to outmanoeuvre the adversary or enemy; the purpose of a Decoy is to Lure and trap the enemy. Answer: (D)

6. Definition. Moratorium is a delay in Payment; Reprieve is a delay in Punishment. Answer: (B)

7. Worker and Duty Variant. A Teller’s task is to give out cash; In cards, a Shoe’s task is to deal out cards. Answer: (D)

8. Residue or remains. Alluvium is the deposit left by a river; and (in chemistry) Precipitate is the deposit left by a solution. Answer: (A)

9. Typical trait. In fencing Lunge is posture of attack; and Feint is a posture of deception. Answer: (B)

10. Purpose. Brevity is the purpose of an Acronym; aid to Memory is the purpose of a Mnemonic. Answer: (B)

11. Lack of– Apocryphal lacks complete authenticity; so also Fallacious lacks (sound) logic. Answer: (B)

12. Characterisitic. The chief characteristic of an Aphorism is terseness pithy; as praise is of Eulogy. Answer: (E)

13. Positive Quality. That which is Potable is fit to drink; that which is Comestible is fit to eat. Note: Comestible is also a noun for articles of food. Answer: (E)

14. Type of Minuscule is a type of ancient writing in script; Hieroglyph is a type of ancient writing in pictures. Answer: (B)

15. Synonyms Muster and gather, both mean collect; Incongruous and asymmetrical both mean not in harmony. Answer: (E)


Unknown said...

An aspirant would be in a Safer side,If he/she is is good at GRE Vocabulary skills.Thanks for sharing your Tips for Analogy.

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